
India's leading Awareness Experts

Be.artsy raises awareness on burning issues for workplaces, communities, not-for-profit, CSR departments, State governments, UN Agencies and all other kinds of organisations.

People Impacted
350000 +
3000 +
Topics Covered
250 +
70 +
States & UTs
What we do

At Be-Artsy Awareness Experts, we understand the critical importance of creating a safe and respectful workplace. Our comprehensive training programs on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) are designed to educate employees and management on recognizing, preventing, and addressing inappropriate behavior. Our interactive workshops and e-learning modules ensure that your team is well-equipped to foster a harassment-free environment.

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Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is at the heart of what we do. Our DEI programs are tailored to help organizations embrace diversity, promote equity, and cultivate an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and respected. Through practical training, policy development, and strategic consulting, we help you create a workplace that celebrates differences and drives innovation.

Financial literacy is a crucial skill for personal and professional growth. Be-Artsy offers specialized financial literacy programs that empower employees with the knowledge and tools needed to manage their finances effectively. Our workshops cover budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, ensuring your team can make informed financial decisions and achieve greater financial stability.

Boost your sales team’s performance with our expert-led sales training programs. At Be-Artsy, we provide customized training sessions that cover the latest sales techniques, customer relationship management, and effective communication strategies. Our goal is to enhance your team’s skills, increase sales productivity, and drive business growth.

Unconscious bias can significantly impact workplace dynamics and decision-making. Our bias training programs are designed to help employees recognize and address their biases, fostering a more fair and inclusive workplace. Through engaging workshops and real-world scenarios, we equip your team with the tools to mitigate bias and promote equality.

Gender sensitisation is crucial for creating an equitable workplace. Our programs focus on raising awareness about gender-related issues and promoting gender equality. We provide interactive training sessions that challenge stereotypes, encourage respectful behaviour, and support a balanced work environment for all genders.

Empowering women in the workplace is essential for organizational success. Our women empowerment initiatives are designed to support and advance female employees through mentorship, leadership training, and career development programs. We strive to create opportunities for women to excel and contribute meaningfully to their organizations.

Ensuring the safety of your employees on the road is a priority. Be-Artsy offers comprehensive road safety programs that educate your team on safe driving practices, vehicle maintenance, and emergency response. Our training helps reduce the risk of accidents, ensuring your employees are safe whether they are commuting or traveling for work.

Developing Emotional Intelligence (EI) is essential for personal and professional success. At Be-Artsy Awareness Experts, our EI programs are designed to enhance self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. Through interactive workshops and personalized coaching, we help your team build stronger relationships, improve communication, and create a more collaborative and productive workplace.

Understanding and living by your Company Core Values is key to fostering a unified and motivated workforce. Our programs help employees connect with and embody your organization’s core values, driving alignment and consistency across all levels. We facilitate workshops that clarify these values, demonstrate their importance, and provide strategies for integrating them into daily work practices.

Mastering Critical Conversations is vital for effective leadership and team cohesion. Our training programs equip your team with the skills needed to handle difficult conversations with confidence and professionalism. Through role-playing and real-world scenarios, we teach techniques for addressing sensitive issues, providing constructive feedback, and resolving conflicts while maintaining positive relationships.

Creating an environment of Psychological Safety is crucial for innovation and employee well-being. Our programs focus on building trust, encouraging open communication, and fostering a culture where employees feel safe to express their ideas and concerns without fear of retribution. We provide strategies and tools to help leaders and teams cultivate a psychologically safe workplace.

Effective leadership drives organizational success. Our Leadership Skills training programs are designed to develop the essential qualities and competencies of great leaders. From strategic thinking and decision-making to team building and inspirational communication, we offer comprehensive training that empowers your leaders to guide their teams to new heights.

Prioritizing Mental Health in the workplace is essential for a thriving organization. Be-Artsy provides mental health awareness programs that educate employees about mental health issues, reduce stigma, and promote well-being. Our workshops cover stress management, self-care practices, and resources for support, helping create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Raising Autism Awareness in the workplace fosters inclusivity and understanding. Our training programs educate your team about autism spectrum disorder, highlighting the strengths and challenges faced by individuals with autism. We provide practical strategies for supporting autistic employees, promoting an inclusive culture that values diversity and harnesses the unique talents of every team member.

Promoting LGBTQIA Inclusivity is essential for a diverse and equitable workplace. Our LGBTQIA training programs help employees understand and respect the experiences of LGBTQIA individuals. Through educational workshops and discussions, we address topics such as gender identity, sexual orientation, and allyship, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

At Be-Artsy Awareness Experts, we understand the critical importance of creating a safe and respectful workplace. Our comprehensive training programs on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) are designed to educate employees and management on recognizing, preventing, and addressing inappropriate behavior. Our interactive workshops and e-learning modules ensure that your team is well-equipped to foster a harassment-free environment.

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Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is at the heart of what we do. Our DEI programs are tailored to help organizations embrace diversity, promote equity, and cultivate an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and respected. Through practical training, policy development, and strategic consulting, we help you create a workplace that celebrates differences and drives innovation.

Financial literacy is a crucial skill for personal and professional growth. Be-Artsy offers specialized financial literacy programs that empower employees with the knowledge and tools needed to manage their finances effectively. Our workshops cover budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, ensuring your team can make informed financial decisions and achieve greater financial stability.

Boost your sales team’s performance with our expert-led sales training programs. At Be-Artsy, we provide customized training sessions that cover the latest sales techniques, customer relationship management, and effective communication strategies. Our goal is to enhance your team’s skills, increase sales productivity, and drive business growth.

Unconscious bias can significantly impact workplace dynamics and decision-making. Our bias training programs are designed to help employees recognize and address their biases, fostering a more fair and inclusive workplace. Through engaging workshops and real-world scenarios, we equip your team with the tools to mitigate bias and promote equality.

Gender sensitisation is crucial for creating an equitable workplace. Our programs focus on raising awareness about gender-related issues and promoting gender equality. We provide interactive training sessions that challenge stereotypes, encourage respectful behaviour, and support a balanced work environment for all genders.

Empowering women in the workplace is essential for organizational success. Our women empowerment initiatives are designed to support and advance female employees through mentorship, leadership training, and career development programs. We strive to create opportunities for women to excel and contribute meaningfully to their organizations.

Ensuring the safety of your employees on the road is a priority. Be-Artsy offers comprehensive road safety programs that educate your team on safe driving practices, vehicle maintenance, and emergency response. Our training helps reduce the risk of accidents, ensuring your employees are safe whether they are commuting or traveling for work.

Developing Emotional Intelligence (EI) is essential for personal and professional success. At Be-Artsy Awareness Experts, our EI programs are designed to enhance self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. Through interactive workshops and personalized coaching, we help your team build stronger relationships, improve communication, and create a more collaborative and productive workplace.

Understanding and living by your Company Core Values is key to fostering a unified and motivated workforce. Our programs help employees connect with and embody your organization’s core values, driving alignment and consistency across all levels. We facilitate workshops that clarify these values, demonstrate their importance, and provide strategies for integrating them into daily work practices.

Mastering Critical Conversations is vital for effective leadership and team cohesion. Our training programs equip your team with the skills needed to handle difficult conversations with confidence and professionalism. Through role-playing and real-world scenarios, we teach techniques for addressing sensitive issues, providing constructive feedback, and resolving conflicts while maintaining positive relationships.

Creating an environment of Psychological Safety is crucial for innovation and employee well-being. Our programs focus on building trust, encouraging open communication, and fostering a culture where employees feel safe to express their ideas and concerns without fear of retribution. We provide strategies and tools to help leaders and teams cultivate a psychologically safe workplace.

Effective leadership drives organizational success. Our Leadership Skills training programs are designed to develop the essential qualities and competencies of great leaders. From strategic thinking and decision-making to team building and inspirational communication, we offer comprehensive training that empowers your leaders to guide their teams to new heights.

Prioritizing Mental Health in the workplace is essential for a thriving organization. Be-Artsy provides mental health awareness programs that educate employees about mental health issues, reduce stigma, and promote well-being. Our workshops cover stress management, self-care practices, and resources for support, helping create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Raising Autism Awareness in the workplace fosters inclusivity and understanding. Our training programs educate your team about autism spectrum disorder, highlighting the strengths and challenges faced by individuals with autism. We provide practical strategies for supporting autistic employees, promoting an inclusive culture that values diversity and harnesses the unique talents of every team member.

Promoting LGBTQIA Inclusivity is essential for a diverse and equitable workplace. Our LGBTQIA training programs help employees understand and respect the experiences of LGBTQIA individuals. Through educational workshops and discussions, we address topics such as gender identity, sexual orientation, and allyship, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Our Clients


India's premier awareness enterprise.


On-ground and Online
Awareness Programs

Internal Communication Packages

For Workplaces

Be.artsy is your partner to create and execute impactful communication programs for your internal customers: employees, the supply chain, and the local community.

Be.artsy is India’s premier awareness enterprise. We are experts at demystifying complex topics (like financial planning), and making safe places to discuss taboo topics openly (like sexual harassment). Our awareness programs cover a range of topics from diversity and inclusion, emotional intelligence, mental and physical health, road safety, environment, women empowerment, gender sensitisation, bias training, team building, change management – whatever your needs, we have a solution.

Contact Parth @ +919748223120 who will explain the options and help you select the programs that best suit your needs and budget.


We come to work and we earn salaries, but we do not know much about money. We are present in workplaces for 80% of our day, yet still fear for our dignity. We come to work after 15 years of education, yet we operate on subconscious biases and don’t know how to deal with our coworkers with mutual respect. We work for companies that are household brands, yet we are not synced with the vision of the company and the impact it can bring to people’s lives.

All this is a lack of awareness.

The organisation ends up with slack workers, grievances, complaints, low productivity, compliance failures, inconsistent service delivery, dissatisfied customers and channel partners.

Imagine the impact you can get by unlocking the power of happier people associated with your organisation.

Be.artsy designs and executes programs on sensitive topics that HR departments usually roll out via PPT-based lectures in a classroom setting. This does not work well for adult learning. Awareness programs need an emotional touch and personal engagement. Mandatory programs like Prevention of Sexual Harassment are sensitive subjects that need to be delivered by an emotionally intelligent program and that’s exactly our area of expertise.

Cheaper solutions rarely offer to measure the impact for you, because usually, there is none. They are good only for ticking off a box in the checklist.

It is the difference between a premium service and a commodity. 85% of our business is from repeat clients. We have over 180 clients.

Be.artsy understands the gap for smaller organisations and has designed ready-to-use annual internal communication packs.Please contact Parth @ +919748223120 who will help you select the pack that best suits your needs and your budget.

Yes, we have developed and delivered several programs for top management. Airtel, American Express, Microsoft, Tata, Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd, Pepsico India, and PWC have benefited from these.

We have tried and trusted, ready-made programs that can be customised as per your organisation’s requirements.

We are awareness experts and can design, develop, and execute any program using your material or relevant material sourced from experts on our panel. We have already delivered such programs on road safety, power conservation, female foeticide, creative mathematics education, waste management, mental health, AIDS awareness. These programs were based on material from the client, supplemented by our experts.

While we would encourage you to explore our annual subscription to have complete value for money, you can certainly sign up for one program. Please contact Parth @ +919748223120 who will help you select the pack that best suits your needs and your budget.

We have more than 50 programs which are on the Beartsy Channel .

We have worked for over 180 companies in different industries of different sizes from MSME to multinational companies; private sector, public sector, government, NGOs and United Nations Agencies. Please see <testimonials>, and <case studies>.

For Individuals

We learn at home. We learn in schools, colleges and universities. But seldom is our learning free of bias. When we step from childhood to adulthood, unfortunately, there is neither formal education nor any process in our surroundings that prepares us for vital life skills needed to navigate financial and bodily autonomy (mental and physical).
Based on feedback from thousands of people, Be.artsy, India’s premier awareness enterprise, has created these critical programs for you:

Be Your Own Lakshmi - Financial Literacy for Indian Women

According to a Standard & Poor study, a whopping 80% of Indian women are just about numerate and do not understand basic financial concepts such as budgeting, risk, inflation and compound interest As a result, women are not prepared to take up responsibility for their financial security, leaving it to ‘the menfolk’, who are barely better qualified at 27% financially literate. While women are ‘Lakshmi’ for their family, they are not Lakshmi for themselves.

Financial independence and security can empower women to lead more fulfilling lives. Be Your Own Lakshmi (BYOL) teaches women basic financial concepts and how to manage their personal finances and to demystify financial concepts like inflation, compounding, investments, and savings.

BYOL isn’t merely about financial literacy for women, it’s first about financial independence. It is the key to reducing gender disparities, and BYOL lays a firm foundation for every participant.

BYOL has gone online in 2020, exploding its reach.

IT’S NOT OK - Prevent Sexual Harassment everywhere.

Protecting your bodily autonomy (mental, emotional and physical): the IT’S NOT OK program helps in preventing gender-based violence and harassment.

We are not trained properly on how to deal with people in different places. This ignorance leaves us vulnerable and confused. Gender sensitisation and unconscious biases are considered to be special studies whereas these are the basis for the most important life skill that we all must learn before we face the world outside. 

To protect ourselves and our loved ones, we need to learn what is sexual harassment, and what is not, to learn our rights and duties, to learn our options and available redressal, Armed with the correct knowledge, each of us can make the small changes that will lead to a better society and a safer world for every person, of every gender.

Everyone is welcome in the program, irrespective of your gender. We have separate programs for 10-14-year-olds (schools only), 15-18-year-olds (schools only), and 19 and above (individuals, colleges, organisations). We have options for mixed gender and separate gender programs. You can pick the one you are most comfortable with.

It is a four hour program.

Yes, participants will get a certificate of attendance.

Those who complete the post-program quiz and score at least 90% will additionally get a certificate of proficiency.

Please contact Parth @ +919748223120 for details of the upcoming program.

“We do not take any sexual harassment case lightly. We treat every case seriously. This is why I have personally attended the recent Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) training program conducted by Be.artsy.”

Ashwani Lohani
Managing Director,
Air India
ICC POSH Training

“Be.artsy’s non-stop Financial Literacy sessions happening at Concentrix India is helping all our employees to know about investments and all about growing money. The trainers are really good and a lot of awareness is being created. We really appreciate your efforts.”

Swati Chawla
Senior Manager – Wellness,
Concentrix India


“This was the first time we looked at the issue from the perspective of prevention. We have often been told about the redressal methods, but this was something new for us. Also, the training in the form of a Kannada street play made it meaningful and easy to understand. It was so interesting that I am now able to retain so much more of the training.”

Blue-collar worker
Tata Coffee, Karnataka
POSH Training and Gender Sensitisation


“We are committed to saving lives on roads in India. We also engage communities to drive behaviour change. Traditional forms of outreach programs have not yielded desirable results. Be.artsy, however, transformed our community outreach strategy. The way Be.artsy tackles awareness issues is unmatched and admirable. Thanks to their effort‘s we now have dedicated community volunteers.”

Piyush Tewari
Chief Executive Officer,
SaveLIFE Foundation Road Safety

“We do not take any sexual harassment case lightly. We treat every case seriously. This is why I have personally attended the recent Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) training program conducted by Be.artsy.”

Ashwani Lohani
Managing Director,
Air India
ICC POSH Training

“Be.artsy’s non-stop Financial Literacy sessions happening at Concentrix India is helping all our employees to know about investments and all about growing money. The trainers are really good and a lot of awareness is being created. We really appreciate your efforts.”

Swati Chawla
Senior Manager – Wellness,
Concentrix India


“This was the first time we looked at the issue from the perspective of prevention. We have often been told about the redressal methods, but this was something new for us. Also, the training in the form of a Kannada street play made it meaningful and easy to understand. It was so interesting that I am now able to retain so much more of the training.”

Blue-collar worker
Tata Coffee, Karnataka
POSH Training and Gender Sensitisation


“We are committed to saving lives on roads in India. We also engage communities to drive behaviour change. Traditional forms of outreach programs have not yielded desirable results. Be.artsy, however, transformed our community outreach strategy. The way Be.artsy tackles awareness issues is unmatched and admirable. Thanks to their effort‘s we now have dedicated community volunteers.”

Piyush Tewari
Chief Executive Officer,
SaveLIFE Foundation Road Safety

Our associates include

POSH trainers
Financial planners
Diversity and inclusion experts
Mental health experts
Women on sabbatical
Emotional intelligence experts

Word from the Leaders

Your Awareness Partner

Since 2011, we are delivering impactful campaigns with actual results to bring change in corporates, colleges, and general public with our unique approach and tools.
Interactive Street Theatre Shows
Expert Training Programs
Creative Design and Implementation

Let's Meet Online

Do you have any Training or Awareness program in your mind that you want to make successful with the best content, tools and creativity?
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